Pillar 1

Central Service and Advisory Center

The goal of Pillar 1 is to establish a central service and advisory center for Lower Saxony on all matters related to research data. To achieve this, support services for all universities in Lower Saxony should be centrally provided. This includes networking, coordination, creating and collecting materials, as well as providing advice on general questions regarding research data management (RDM), but also on subject-specific and specific questions such as legal aspects of RDM.

The pillar is divided into six work packages (APs) and operates as a locally distributed network. There is a main responsible location for each AP.

A distributed network

The following institutions are involved in Pillar 1 and are each mainly responsible for one work package:

TU Braunschweig – AP 1 Establishment of Competence Network
Universität Oldenburg – AP 2 Train-the-Trainer Programs
Göttinger eResearch Alliance – AP 3 Data Literacy
TIB Hannover – AP 4 Advisory and Support Services
Universität Osnabrück – AP 5 Legal Advice
Leibniz Universität Hannover – AP 6 Coordination

The work packages







AP 1 - Establishment and Expansion of a Distributed Competence Network for Research Data Management

In this work package, the coordination of work packages AP1-AP5 among each other takes place to ensure the consulting capability of the locally distributed network. Additionally, topics such as the public appearance of the state initiative (website, social media, etc.) play an important role. The work in AP 1 is carried out in close coordination with AP 6.

The main responsibility for managing this work package lies with TU Braunschweig and is supervised by:

Dr. Benjamin Golub-Overbeck
Dr. Laura Grundwald-Eckhardt
Robert Strötgen

AP 2 - Train-the-Trainer Programs

The aim of this work package is to train subject matter experts as multipliers for research data management. They should be empowered to communicate RDM in their research routines and impart competencies. To achieve this goal, existing train-the-trainer concepts will be expanded, and training sessions will be offered.

The main responsibility for managing this work package lies with the University of Oldenburg and is supervised by:

Dörte Wenke

AP 3 - Competency Building in Data Literacy

In close collaboration with AP 2, training sessions on data literacy for researchers will be offered. This includes training on underlying concepts as well as the development and provision of materials.

The main responsibility for managing this work package lies with the Göttingen eResearch Alliance and is supervised by:

Barbara Löhde
Dr. Birgit Schmidt
Timo Henne

AP 4 - Advisory and Support Services

The aim of this work package is to provide advisory and support services for members of Lower Saxony universities: both directly for researchers (assistance with data handling or provision of relevant disciplinary services) and for staff in infrastructure facilities who support researchers at the local level or establish such services. This is done through workshops designed and conducted in consultation with you, personal consultation, as well as professional networking opportunities – online and on-site.

Our consultation is, of course, confidential. All inquiries remain with the personnel of the State Initiative’s helpdesk. Information is only forwarded to third parties, if necessary, after consultation with the affected individuals.

The main responsibility for managing this work package lies with TIB Hannover and is supervised by:

Anna-Karina Renziehausen (Focus: Support services for RDM staff)
Dr. Christine Jung-Dahlke (Focus: Support services for researchers)
Dr. Sarah Dellmann

AP 5 - Consultation on Legal Frameworks in Research Data Management

The aim of AP 5 is to establish a position for consultation on legal matters in research data management (RDM), including licensing and data protection issues, to support local legal departments both in terms of personnel and content. It promotes the development of legal expertise in the legal departments of Lower Saxony universities through central training opportunities and facilitates information exchange between the statewide legal advice on RDM issues and local authorities, in order to provide researchers with legally binding advice on their specific RDM questions.

The main responsibility for managing this work package lies with the University of Osnabrück and is supervised by:

Dr. Marco Gronwald

AP 6 - Overall Coordination and Networking Strategy

AP 6 is responsible for the overall coordination of the RDM state initiative. It aims to interconnect various aspects of the initiative internally while establishing connections with national stakeholders. A service desk with a support system will be set up to handle inquiries according to defined service levels. Additionally, existing connections to individuals already active in the NFDI and other projects will be leveraged to identify further points of contact and engage potential stakeholders.

The main responsibility for managing this work package lies with Leibniz Universität Hannover and is supervised by:

Dr. Yvana Glasenapp
Dr. Anneke Meyer

Work Meeting of Pillar 1 in April 2024 in Hannover.