Data Days Niedersachsen 2024

In November 2024, the time had finally come: the Research Data Management Initiative Lower Saxony (FDM-NDS) hosted the first-ever Data Days Niedersachsen.

Day 1 – November 13, 2024

The two-day event kicked off on November 13 in the historic setting of the “Königlicher Pferdestall” in Hanover. A total of 82 participants attended in person—a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas and network on the topic of research data management (RDM) in Lower Saxony.

After a warm welcome from Robert Strötgen and Diana Schmidt, who serve as the spokesperson and deputy spokesperson of the FDM-NDS steering committee, attendees were provided with insights into the initiative. Team members presented its development and the three pillars of FDM-NDS.

Before lunch, the focus shifted to specific offerings and services available to researchers in Lower Saxony. Anna-Karina Renziehausen and Dr. Christine Jung-Dahlke introduced the work package “Consulting and Support Services” from Pillar 1 (AP4) and provided a look into the future. Additionally, Jana Böhm from the “Basic Services for Research Data Management in Lower Saxony” project showcased the Academic Cloud and its versatile applications. Meanwhile, Pillar 2 of FDM-NDS hosted an exclusive networking session for its Data Stewards in a closed session.

Following a delicious lunch—and plenty of engaging conversations—one of the day’s highlights took place: the inaugural presentation of the FAIR Data and Software Award Lower Saxony. After an address by the award’s patron, Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter, Anna Teschner from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture presented the awards in the categories “Software” and “Dataset.” The awarded projects and individuals had the opportunity to briefly present their work. More details about the award winners and their projects can be found on our Award Page. We would like to once again extend our heartfelt thanks to Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter and Anna Teschner for their support.

After this celebratory moment, the program continued with an engaging presentation on the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) by Stephan Ferenz. This was followed by a poster session where various NFDI consortia showcased their work. The session provided ample opportunity for general discussions around the topic of RDM in Lower Saxony. At the end of the day, Robert Strötgen and Diana Schmidt took the floor once more to bid farewell to the participants.

Day 2 – November 14, 2024

The second day of the Data Days Niedersachsen took place entirely online. The virtual event featured a diverse program with a total of 11 sessions covering various aspects of research data management. An overview of the program is available below, and presentation slides were provided wherever possible.

We are thrilled about the positive feedback and enthusiastic participation in the first Data Days Lower Saxony! We are already looking forward to the next edition next year.

Online program of day two:

V1: Short Introduction into the research data management of geo- , bio- and agricultural disciplines

Dr. Christine Jung-Dahlke – Slides: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14506871

V2: Demo of Chemotion ELN – An electronic lab notebook for chemistry and more

Dr. Benjamin Golub-Overbeck – Slides: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14192318

V3: FDM-Sprint – Hands on statt Theorie

Dr. Laura Grunwald-Eckhardt – Folien: DOI:10.5281/zenodo.14192830

V4: Daten sicher managen: Datenschutz im FDM

Ana Agniashvili – Folien: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14230820

V5: Effizientes Forschungsdatenmanagement: Praktische Lösungen mit der Academic Cloud

Basisdienste FDM – Team – Folien: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14332046

V6: Establishing a Constructive Error Culture in Science: Scaling Up Transparency and Trust

Johannes Vosskuhl & Maximilian Frank – Slides: DOI:10.5281/zenodo.14197071

V7: ORKG: Find the Research You Are Actually Looking for

Vinodh Ilangovan & Anna-Lena Lorenz – Slides: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14164179

V8: Rollen, Rechte und Ressourcen – Wie organisiert man Datenmanagement in größeren Projekten?

Dr. Volker Soßna – Folien: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14192669

V9: Wem „gehören“ meine Forschungsdaten? Urheberrecht im FDM

Ana Agniashvili – Folien von einer vorherigen Veranstaltung: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13237026

V10: Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten: Datenfusion und Metaanalysen

Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung – Folien: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14332609

V11: Forschende vs. Datenschutz: Komplexitätsreduktion im wissenschaftlichen Datenschutzprozess

Tim Albrecht – Folien: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14331081