Workshop: Datenkompetenz im Fokus:

Angebote, Qualitätssicherung und Vernetzung (only in German)




Workshop description:

The demands in the field of research data management (RDM) have increased in recent years. Data stewards are regarded as the link between research and RDM. To remain competitive in the digital age, it is essential not only to impart data skills but also to foster networking across locations and institutions. This is the only way to address the latest developments in this dynamic field and contribute to enhancing the skills necessary for RDM in research.

In this workshop, we had a focus on the topics of building data competencies and networking data stewards in four sessions: 1) Overview of competency development programs, 2) Collaborative approaches to building competencies, 3) Integration and networking of data stewards, and 4) Quality assurance and standards.

Context of the event:

The event took place as part of the Themed Week ‘Digital Competences in Science’ theme week by the VolkswagenStiftung, alongside three other workshops, from December 2, 2024, to December 4, 2024, at the Xplanatorium Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover (Herrenhäuser Str. 5, 30419 Hannover).


The Workshop “Datenkompetenz im Fokus, Qualitätssicherung und Vernetzung” was organised in cooperation with the state initiatives for RDM of the states Lower Saxony, Saxony, North Rhein-Westphalia and Hessia. Participants were contacted by the organization team.

Primarily responsible:

Dr. Yvana Glasenapp (FDM-NDS)
Dr. Lioba Schreyer (
Dr. Barbara Weiner (SaxFDM)
Dr. Beate Ulrike La Sala (HeFDI)



More information on the four blocks of the workshop:

Block 1: Overview of Competency Development Programs

Organizing Team: Dr. Barbara Weiner, Carolin Hundt, and Dr. Benjamin Golub-Overbeck

In Block 1 of the workshop, current data literacy initiatives and offerings in Germany were reported on and presented as examples, and further initiatives and offerings were recorded. In group work, data skills were assigned to specific players and their target groups. The focus was on the future design of skills development for science-supporting roles, taking into account established tools and formats. An overview of the data skills, target groups and players was drawn up to secure the results. In preparation for the workshop, existing initiatives were located on an interactive map of Germany, which was shown as an example and is to be merged with other sources as part of Love Data Week 2025 to create an up-to-date overview of offers and initiatives in Germany.

Block 2: Building competencies through collaboration

Organizing Team: Christina Schröder, Dr. Janna Neumann, and Anna-Karina Renziehausen

In the second block of the workshop, the focus was on offers for competence development in RDM. The long-term goal is the coordinated and cooperative further development of existing training and certification courses in RDM. The first step was to define key criteria for describing these courses – including structure, form of study, target group, access requirements and methodology. On this basis, existing courses were systematically recorded and discussed. The resulting overview table should make it easier to compare the existing offers, identify potential for joint use and scaling and serve as a basis for future cooperation. The requirements, challenges and possible forms of cooperation were also discussed in a World Café. A particular focus was placed on training opportunities for data stewards and other RDM personnel. In order to promote networking in this area, an exchange group on this topic was set up to specifically address further training opportunities for these target groups.  A kick-off meeting is planned for the near future. In addition, the discussion in Block 2 also included offers for students and researchers. The insights gained will be sorted by target group and incorporated into further planning in order to better link generic and subject-specific offerings at all levels.

Block 3: Involvement and networking of data stewards

Organizing Team: Dr. Yvana Glasenapp, Dr. Beate La Sala, and Daniela Hausen

The third block of our workshop focused on the networking of data stewards. They often work in isolation, which makes the exchange and cooperation in networks particularly valuable. Three initiatives were presented as examples:

  • Local: The activities at Kiel University,
  • Regional: FDM-NDS,
  • National: The TU9 initiatives.

These examples illustrated the range of possible approaches – from local projects to nationwide initiatives.

In an interactive format based on the Community Canvas Model, we took the results of the Data Stewardship goes Germany project and developed them further together. The gallery walk method enabled participants to exchange perspectives and formulate concrete ideas.

The aim of the workshop was to identify the first steps towards establishing a Germany-wide network. Through a strong community, we would like to support data stewards professionally and strategically and thus strengthen their important work in the long term. The results will be further developed with partners such as the FDM working group at TU9 and the NFDI in order to strengthen networking across Germany.

Morning intermezzo: RDM awareness on social media

Organizer: Carolin Hundt

In this workshop, participants learned how to communicate scientific content strategically and effectively on social media. In addition to an introduction to platforms, target audiences, and tools, the focus was on developing and maintaining a long-term following.

Block 4: Quality assurance and standards

Organizing Team: Dr. Barbara Weiner, Dr. Lioba Schreyer

The last block dealt with metadata for describing FDM teaching/learning materials in material collections. While there are already many available materials, it is still debatable which metadata will enable and facilitate their reuse. In 2020, the DINI/nestor Research Data UAG Training/Continuing Education published a metadata schema for training materials with information on which metadata should be mandatory and which should be optional. As part of the NFDI, the DALIA project has developed the DALIA Interchange Format (DIF) for its platform, which is intended to help publish teaching/learning materials in accordance with the FAIR principles. Based on these two metadata schemas, the participants discussed which metadata should be specified and whether they should be mandatory or optional. The participants included representatives from both organizations. The results of the discussion on metadata schemas for training materials were compiled by vote. It was noted where there was agreement among the participants and where there was a need for further discussion. The results were forwarded to the participants and the representatives of the UAG Training/Continuing Education and DALIA with the invitation and request to use them for their further development of the metadata. The added value of the discussion was not only a concrete definition of and agreement on a series of mandatory metadata (such as author, creation date, title, identifier, etc.), but above all an awareness of the complexity of the metadata schemas presented and the need for community-wide common standards. DALIA is planning a follow-up workshop on this topic.

Other workshops from the Themed Week ‘Digital Competences in Scienc’:

Code for Science oder: Bessere Forschung durch bessere Forschungssoftware-kompetenzen

Key topics included the anchoring of research software in institutions, best practices, skills development and national and international cooperation. The workshop used interactive formats such as keynote speeches, breakout sessions and world cafés to identify relevant issues and develop solutions. The aim was to outline concrete measures to enable institutions and stakeholders to use research software in a more targeted manner.

more information about the workshop

Research Data and Software Competencies

Three central topics were addressed in English: the identification of missing or underrepresented competencies in existing frameworks, the development of effective teaching methods for researchers and the joint development of strategies for educational resources and training programs. In addition to short expert presentations, there were interactive small group sessions, the results of which were discussed in plenary.

more information about the workshop

FDM mit geringen Ressourcen?

The focus was on collegial exchange, cross-regional training opportunities and mutual support between RDM speakers, libraries, data centers and the administration. Organized by four universities, the workshop included poster presentations, a barcamp and interdisciplinary exchange with other events of the theme week.

more information about the workshop